Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The 2nd week of Angie at SMA N 3 Semarang


Last week, the first week, Angie was at 10-C class. There was one student coming from the same junior high school with her, SMPN 1. However, Angie told me that she didn't feel at ease at all in that class. She said that it was difficult for her to socialize with the other students. I told her that she needed some time to adapt herself with the new situation, with new classmates, also with the new environment. 

The first three days was for MOS--Masa Orientasi Sekolah--or the time for school orientation, or the time to get to know the new school. Every day Angie went home telling me some extra curricular activities offered by the senior students. On the first day, she was interested in joining the school magazine--Cemeti. I encouraged her coz it means she can practice her writing. The second day, she came up with different interest; joining the modern dance club and martial arts club. The third day, she told me her interest in some other activities again. I let her make a choice. 

The three days after MOS, there were some tests given to the students, to find out the capabilities of the students. The test comprised IPA (physics and biology), IPS (economics, history, and geography), Bahasa Indonesia, English, and Mathematics. The result of the tests was used to classify the students. One class will consist of students considered as "bright", "moderate" and "low" students. 

On the fourth day, I went there to attend the first meeting between the parents and the school's committee to talk about the monthly school fee and also some money needed by the school. I didn't bargain a lot, I just chose the minimal amount, 1.6 million rupiahs; while for the montly school fee, all students have to pay the same, Rp.150.000,00 per month. 

The year 2005/2006 batch is the pilot project for SNBI (Sekolah Nasional Berstandar Internasional), or National school with International standard. The facilities provided will be comparable with schools from other countries that have International Standard; and five subjects will be given in English. No wonder if the montly fee is quite expensive for state schools in Semarang.

The second week, the students have been classified according to the result of the test. Happily Angie told me that she was in the same class with one good friend of hers that happens to have the same nickname with me--NANA. Moreover, the boy she has a crush on is in the same class. WOW. LOL.
Well, I have told Angie that she will always have to adapt with new situation, new friends, new environment. However, I am happy for her too now that she is in the same class with NANA. FYI, both of them have been close since they were in the fourth grade of elementary school; more than 6 years then. :)

Btw, during the meeting with the school, one member of the committee said that students there will oftentimes have to stay at school until afternoon, around 3-4pm. It means that they will need to have lunch at school. Hmm ... remembering some months ago, especially by the end of March and May, Angie suffered from typhus coz she got very exhausted and didnt have meals regularly, and perhaps also eat not really hygienic food, I warn Angie to take care of her health more carefully: choose the hygienic and nutritious food at school and have enough rest. However, of course she also has to study hard.
Angie still has a very long future. And I will always be by her side. :)


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