Saturday, April 25, 2009

Angie's education

Angie got accepted at Psychology Faculty of Diponegoro University via UM 1.
And I am in between ...
Relief since she has got a place for her (near) future study ...
Disappointed because a part of my heart, I want her to be accepted at UGM: for my own nostalgic feeling especially when (later) visiting her in Jogja.
FYI, last March 15, she took the entrance test of UM UNDIP, with three choices:

1. Psychology
2. Planologi
3. English Department (with my eloquence, eventually I could persuade her to choose this major, the sama major I used to study)

Then, on April 5, she took the entrance test of UM UGM, with three choices:

1. International Relationship
2. Psychology
3. Planologi

According to the schedule, the announcement of both UNDIP and UGM will be issued on April 25. However, around 11.45 today (April 23) I got message from Angie telling me that the announcement of UNDIP has been issued. So, I checked it.
And the result is just like what I wrote above.

The good side is: both of us will still be roommates!!!

SPB 14.42 230409

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