
My Lovely Star is Dzikrina Anggie Pitaloka (or Angie), my daughter. I will post my writings about Angie in this blog.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Angie and her friends

These three pretty girl (from the left to the right) are Nana, Angie, and Mita. Now they study at the same school, the most prestigious state senior high school in Semarang, SMA N 3. And for your information, I graduated from this school too twenty years ago. It has always been the most prestigious school. :) sombong ga papa kalau memang layak sombong. LOL.
Nana—the nickname is the same as mine—has been Angie’s close friend since they were in the fourth of elementary school if I am not mistaken. Luckily they have always been going to the same school since elementary school. When graduating from elementary school, Nana’s parents asked her to continue the study in the junior high school where her big brother was studying at that time. However, Nana refused with the reason that Angie didn’t want to continue her study there. She wanted to be at the same school with Angie. Her parents gave in. So? They were at the same junior high school.
After graduating from junior high school, luckily they were accepted at the same school again. Even in the tenth (first) grade this year they are in the same class.
As far as I remember from my own experience, I never survived friendship for such a long time. None of my friends at elementary school continued their study at the same school with me until senior high school. I still kept the friendship, of course, although we didn’t go to the same school. Even, after I continued my study at my bachelor’s degree at Gadjah Mada University Yogya, I still once in a while visited some of them. I dont remember though when we lost contact.
Let’s go back to the picture above. Mita, another close friend of Angie used to study in a different junior high school from Angie and Nana. They met each other for the first time when some years ago they took an English course in one of the most sought after English courses in Semarang, even, in Indonesia. Luckily, then they continued to the same senior high school. Although they are not at the same class at school, they are at the same class at the English course.
With digital camera technology nowadays, it is much easier to record friendship like this, isn’t it? It is compared to the time when I was at high school. And with internet and its blogging technology, it is also much easier for me—and also for abundant other people—to share this kind of picture all over the world.
PT56 09.43 121206
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Kenangan Saat Angie ...
Mei 2008 |
Artikel ini terilhami oleh buku Family Secrets—Acts of Memory and Imagination tulisan Annette Kuhn, yang diungkapkan oleh Aquarini dalam artikelnya “Jins, Dangdut, dan Dosen: Fashion sebagai Pernyataan Diri” dalam bukunya Kajian Budaya Feminis.
Dalam bukunya yang merupakan analisis personal atas masa kecilnya, Annette menulis tentang pakaian-pakaian yang dia kenakan dalam pelbagai kontes, pakaian-pakaian hasil karya ibunya, untuk menunjukkan kepiawaiannya dalam menciptakan berbagai macam kreasi pakaian, dan kemudian “memaksa” sang anak yang masih berusia tujuh tahun sebagai “manekin hidup”. Annette kecil tidak kuasa untuk menolak keinginan sang ibu tentu saja.
Membaca artikel ini mengingatkanku pada masa-masa ketika Angie sedang getol mengikuti kontes modelling, sekitar tahun 1997-1999, kemudian 2001-2002.
Angie “berkenalan” dengan dunia modelling ketika dia mengambil kursus Bahasa Inggris di suatu lembaga yang disebut Semarang 2000 yang pada waktu itu berlokasi di daerah perumahan Semarang Indah, Semarang. Selain kursus Bahasa Inggris, Angie juga mengambil kelas “perkembangan anak” (agar anak menjadi pemberani, mudah bergaul dengan anak-anak lain, leadership, dll), menari, menggambar, dan modelling. Angie yang masih duduk di bangku kelas 1 SD, tentu saja memiliki banyak waktu luang di sore hari, sehingga aku membiarkannya mengikuti kegiatan ini itu asalkan dia sendiri menikmatinya. “Tut Wuri Handayani” kata oran Jawa.
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dijepret 28 October, 2001, event di McD |
Dari beberapa kegiatan yang dia ikuti, modelling adalah kegiatan yang akhirnya menyita banyak waktu, energi, dan juga uang. LOL. Tentu saja, Angie pernah juga ikut lomba Bahasa Inggris—yang paling memorable adalah ketika dia menjadi juara 1 dalam lomba reading English nursery poem sekotamadya Semarang; menari—pernah menjadi juara 1 sekotamadya Semarang dengan kelompoknya. Namun kegiatannya dalam mengikuti lomba modelling lah yang akan kubahas di sini.
Semua bermula dari keinginan Angie sendiri untuk mengikuti berbagai lomba tersebut. Tiga lomba pertama yang dia ikuti—sekitar bulan Agustus-September 1997—dimana Angie kalah, tidak menyurutkan tekadnya untuk terus mengikuti lomba. That’s great, isn’t it? Dan ketika pertama kali Angie memenangi suatu lomba modelling, itu membuat Angie tambah bernafsu untuk memperbanyak jumlah piala yang dia miliki. (Anak kecil mana yang tidak menyukai piala?) Dan aku pun ketularan ikut bernafsu.
Lama-lama aku mulai memaksa Angie untuk latihan jalan di rumah—aku sebagai pengawasnya—selain latihan rutin dengan instruktur modellingnya. Melihatku yang bernafsu seperti itu ternyata membuat Angie bosan. (Yah, maklum, anak kecil!) Dan aku mulai menggunakan “I-am-your-mother-so-you-must-obey-me” policy to her. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn’t though. LOL. (Goodness, aku mulai membayangkan apa yang akan Angie tulis kelak setelah dewasa nanti atas pengalamannya di waktu kecil, seandainya dia tumbuh menjadi seperti Annette Kuhn, yang “memprotes” ibunya lewat bukunya Family Secrets—Acts of Memory and Imagination? Sebelum aku dikritik oleh Angie, aku melakukan otokritik dulu deh lewat tulisan ini. LOL.)
Berbeda dengan Annette yang tidak menyukai pakaian yang dia kenakan, Angie tidak bermasalah dengan pakaian yang dia kenakan ketika mengikuti lomba-lomba modelling tersebut. Yang dia protes adalah cara kerasku memaksanya untuk latihan jalan sebelum tidur (FYI, aku pulang kerja rata-rata jam 21.00, dan sebelum tidur, aku menyuruh Angie latihan selama kurang lebih 15-20 menit. Untunglah ruang tengah di rumah lumayan luas, lumayan layak untuk tempat latihan. Ups ... jadi ingat beberapa mahasiswaku yang mungkin mengakses blog ini, they will find out bagaimana Ms. Nana bisa tahu bagaimana cara jalan di catwalk, bagaimana berpose, bagaimana melakukan putaran, dll, LOL. Dari hasil pengamatan instruktur modelling Angie mengajari Angie. Untuk mengantisipasi mahasiswa agar tidak datang terlambat ke kelas, aku sering memberikan hukuman untuk menyanyi, membaca puisi, jalan di catwalk, dll, bagi mereka yang datang terlambat ke kelas. 😎😂)
Angie cukup pede dengan berbagai pilihan busana yang kupilihkan untuk dia kenakan ketika mengikuti lomba modelling, dari mulai busana pesta, casual, pantai, sampai busana muslim. Dan nampaknya dia merasa nyaman-nyaman saja mengenakannya. (Just wait until she grows up, will she complain? LOL.)
Ada satu pasang sepatu yang dia komplain ketika mengenakan, karena ternyata kekecilan waktu dipakai. Sepatu boots warna merah yang dia kenakan dalam lomba “PutraPutri McKids” di McDonald’s Sri Ratu Semarang. Angie sempat ngambek tidak mau memakainya karena tumit dan jari-jari kakinya sakit. Namun karena tidak punya sepatu lain yang cocok untuk pakaian yang dia kenakan, aku paksa dia memakainya. LOL. Sebenarnya ada sepatu lain yang berwarna merah, namun karena modelnya pantofel—tidak funky kalau dipadukan dengan busana casual—Angie tidak memiliki pilihan lain selain sepatu boots merah yang hampir selutut itu. LOL. Untunglah dia menang sebagai juara favorit, sehingga terbayarlah sakit di kakinya. Dan sepatu yang harganya lumayan mahal bagi kocekku ini hanya dipakai sekali untuk mengikuti lomba. LOL.
Kembali ke keegoisanku untuk memaksa Angie latihan jalan sebelum tidur, LOL, lama-lama aku mengalah ketika melihatnya benar-benar bosan. Lomba terakhir yang dia ikuti adalah “King and Queen of Millennium” bulan Juli 1999.
Setelah vakum selama dua tahun, dan kulihat Angie kangen berlenggak-lenggok lagi di catwalk, aku menawarinya untuk come back. Dia mulai ikut lomba lagi dalam “Kontes Teletubbies” bulan Juni 2001 yang diselenggarakan di lantai dasar Citraland Semarang.. Lomba terakhir yang dia ikuti adalah “Busana Nuansa Pink” dengan penyelenggara McDonald’s Java Mall Semarang bulan Februari 2002. Ketika Angie benar-benar siap mental, dan berkeinginan sendiri—tanpa campur tanganku—sehingga dia pun bertanggung jawab atas pilihannya itu, misal mau latihan jalan sendiri tanpa kuminta, tampil maksimal, dan tentu saja hasilnya pun bagus: Angie selalu memenangi setiap lomba yang dia ikuti dalam rentang waktu Juni 2001—Februari 2002.
Setelah itu nyokapnya sibuk sendiri dengan studinya di Yogya. LOL.
PT56 22.57 300906
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Sejak ajaran tahun 2006/2007, SMAN 3 Semarang dipercaya untuk menyelenggarakan program SNBI. Tentu pemerintah tidak sembarang tunjuk untuk menyelenggarakan program ini, untuk di Salatiga yang terpilih adalah SMAN 1 Salatiga. Hanya sekolah terbaiklah yang dipilih oleh pemerintah untuk menyukseskan program yang cukup bergengsi ini. Masih ada beberapa sekolah lain lagi di Indonesia ini, but I didn't really pay attention to it.
Resiko dari SNBI pertama yang kurasakan adalah monthly school fee yang relatif mahal untuk ukuran sekolah negeri di Semarang. Angie harus bayar Rp. 150.000,00 perbulan. Karena Angie sering harus spend time sampe sore di sekolah untuk mengikuti kegiatan ekskul ini itu, resikonya adalah aku harus memberinya uang saku tambahan untuk makan siang di sekolah (bandingin waktu aku masih SMA dulu, jarang banget aku makan siang di sekolah. Pulang sekolah harus langsung pulang ke rumah, gak boleh lingering di manapun. Sesampe rumah, makan siang, kalo ada acara lagi di sekolah, baru berangkat lagi.)
Fasilitas yang diterima Angie. Ruang kelas ber-AC. Setiap kelas dilengkapi oleh LCD.
"Resiko" yang harus dihadapi Angie. Lima pelajaran disampaikan dalam Bahasa Inggris--Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Economics, and Biology. Satu mapel--TIK--juga disampaikan dalam Bahasa Inggris karena guru pengampu barusan lulus kuliah S2 dari Australia. LOL. (Angie and her friends complained about this to me. LOL.) Nilai minimal dianggap lulus adalah 75. Kurang dari itu? Harus ambil REMEDY. Dan, menurut hasil UHT (Ulangan Harian Terstruktur???) kemarin, dari 16 mapel, Angie harus mengambil remedy 9 mapel. LOL. LOL.
Banyak teman sekolah Angie yang diomeli orang tuanya karena hasil UHT yang jeblok. Dan seperti biasa, aku adem ayem saja, buat apa juga ngomel? Angie sendiri tentu lelah dan kecewa dengan hasil itu. Kenapa pula harus kutambahi dengan omelan? Satu hal yang pasti, ketika mengejar untuk diterima di SMAN 3 Semarang, dan tahu bahwa mulai tahun ini diberlakukan SNBI, Angie harus sudah tahu resikonya bahwa dia tidak bisa take things as easy as when she was at junior high school. She has to work hard.
Perenunganku adalah apa tujuan pemerintah ketika launching program SNBI ini? Untuk mencetak generasi mendatang yang lebih cakap untuk menjawab tantangan globalisasi di masa depan? Hanya dengan menyampaikan kelima mapel itu dalam Bahasa Inggris, yang pada prakteknya justru menimbulkan confusion? Sang guru yang belum tentu capable dalam Bahasa Inggris dan dipaksa untuk mengajar dalam Bahasa Inggris? Para murid yang tambah bingung untuk memahami apa yang disampaikan oleh sang guru yang belum capable to speak English? LCD yang belum aku ketahui apakah benar-benar difungsikan secara maksimal untuk membantu pelaksanaan kegiatan belajar mengajar ataupun kegiatan ekskul? Kecuali ruang ber-AC yang membuat siswa nyaman berada di kelas (Semarang is too damned hot!!!), sehingga diharapkan bisa lebih berkonsentrasi ke guru yang sedang mengajar di kelas, asal tidak menjadi mengantuk saja. LOL.
Masih terlalu dini untuk mengukur seberapa keberhasilan/kegagalan program SNBI ini. Tapi seperti biasa ketika ada satu program pendidikan baru, siswa yang sering menjadi korban, orang tua siswa juga.
jdc 18.48 200906
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Yup, hari ini 16 September 2006, SMA 3 Semarang menyelenggarakan pentas seni. Aku ga begitu yakin tapi buat apa diselenggarakan pentas seni semacam ini selain untuk membuat siswa-siswinya memiliki kegiatan dan membuat mereka bahagia. Sekaligus juga untuk promosi ke seluruh masyarakat Semarang khususnya bahwa salah satu kegiatan yang dimiliki oleh SMA 3 adalah menyelenggarakan pentas seni. :)
Jadi ingat ketika aku masih di SMA dulu--aku juga bersekolah di sini--pentas seni selalu dilaksanakan tanggal 1 November, untuk merayakan ulang tahun sekolah. Sebelum itu, diselenggarakan beberapa lomba antar kelas dengan pentas seni sebagai puncak acara. Diselenggarakan selalu tanggal 1 November karena biasanya kemudian para alumni yang ingin bernostalgia akan datang ke sekolah pada tanggal tersebut. Tidak perlu ada undangan, tidak perlu ada pengumuman di koran misalnya. Dan setelah Angie bersekolah di sini, baru tahu aku bahwa pentas seni tidak lagi diselenggarakan tanggal 1 November.
Aku bilang ke Angie kalo aku ingin datang nonton pentas seni ini. Tidak hanya sebagai nyokapnya Angie, tapi juga sebagai alumni, kepengen bereuni, paling tidak dengan gedung sekolah yang telah mengalami perombakan di sana sini dan guru-guru yang hadir. Sayangnya ternyata Angie tidak setuju dengan ideku untuk ikut hadir. :( Waduh ... kali pertama aku ditolak "ikut-ikutan" acara Angie. :((
Semula dia ngotot agar aku tidak datang. Setelah beberapa kali aku merayunya, akhirnya di bilang, "Oke, Mama boleh datang, tapi Mama ngajak teman sendiri deh, jangan kayak lalat ngikutin Angie kemana aja." wakakaka ... Sayangnya aku yang sering tidak sociable ini, tidak punya ide siapa yang akan kuajak. :( Kedua adikku sibuk dengan acara mereka sendiri. Kalo aku pergi menghadiri acara seperti ini, aku harus datang dengan seseorang yang membuatku merasa nyaman bersamanya, bisa nyambung kalo ngobrol, dan bukannya malah debat kusir. LOL. It is very okay for me to come alone, dengan duduk manis di pojok, ato dimana sajalah, menikmati kesendirianku, sambil menikmati pentas seni. Tapi Angie tidak mengijinkanku, karena dia khawatir aku bakal jadi "lalat" itu. LOL. Huaaaaaaaaa ... Teganya si Angie ini. LOL. Padahal banyak siswa SMA 3 yang mengambil English course di LIA, tentu aku agak ngetop juga di situ. LOL. Bakal banyak lah yang menyapaku nanti (sok jadi selebritis... LOL). Tapi, ya itulah, akhirnya aku memutuskan untuk tidak datang. I will spend my Saturday evening dengan nulis di blog, baca messages di mailing list, dan chat dengan Abangku seorang yang sayangnya berada ribuan km dariku. Kalo dia berada di Semarang tentu akan kuseret dia menemaniku. LOL.
Setelah itu, aku akan menjemput Angie sekitar jam 9pm. Itu aja Angie protes, bilang, "Mama, acara belum selesai kalo jam 9! Jemputnya jam 10-an." Aku bilang, "Well, honey, Mama entar nunggu di pelataran parkir deh, ato dimana begitu. Oke? I will not disturb you until the program is over. Ok?"
Oh well, anak belasan tahun ... LOL. Aku sudah lupa whether I behaved like Angie when I was around her age. LOL.
JDC 16.50 160906
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Angie's protest
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me 😝 |
Waktu menunjukkan pukul 6.45pm tatkala aku dan Angie memasuki kedai “Kahuripan”. Suasana kedai tidak terlalu ramai, hanya kulihat dua pasang laki-laki dan perempuan di meja di tengah ruangan, dan satu pasang lain di pojok sebelah Barat. Penerangan ruangan yang temaram membuatku langsung merasa tersegap keromantisan. Angie memilih duduk di pojok sebelah Timur, meja yang memang khusus hanya untuk dua orang.
Ketika waitress datang, Angie memilih steak ayam dan cappuccino milkshake, sedangkan aku memilih kwetiau goreng spesial dan orange juice.
Sembari menunggu makanan siap dihidangkan, kemudian kita makan bersama, Angie tak henti-hentinya bercerita tentang teman-teman sekolahnya, juga ketika dia menghadapi oral examination di LIA yang baru saja dia selesaikan sebelum kita bersama menuju kedai Kahuripan. Saat-saat yang sangat kunikmati ketika kita eating out berdua, Angie selalu terlihat bright-eyed tatkala bercerita kepadaku tentang segala hal yang dia alami.
Setelah selesai makan, Angie langsung mengajak pulang. Sebelum keluar, aku membayar dulu di kasir. Kasir bertanya ramah padaku, “Itu putrinya mbak?”
“Iya, dia dulu bersekolah di SMP N 1 di seberang jalan itu, makanya dia tahu kedai ini.”
Kita sampai di rumah sekitar jam 7.30. Begitu masuk kamar, Angie dengan kesal bertanya, “Mama tadi ngeliatin ga dua perempuan berjilbab yang duduk di tengah ruangan waktu kita masuk?”
“Iya Mama liat tadi, tapi ga merhatiin banget sih. Ada apa?”
“Matanya waktu ngeliatin Angie kayak mata polisi yang menginterogasi pesakitan aja. Pasti karena dia liat Angie masih pake seragam sekolah. Mana ada anak sekolah masih keluyuran malam-malam pake seragam sekolah? Kalo ada, tuh anak pasti bukan anak yang beres, yang suka keluyuran kemana-mana sepulang sekolah, dan tidak langsung pulang ke rumah!”
Serentak aku ingat kasir yang bertanya padaku, “Itu putrinya mbak?” apakah dia pun berpikiran yang sama seperti yang dituduhkan Angie kepada dua perempuan berjilbab itu?
Well, ini adalah pengalaman kedua kita berdua, Angie masih berseragam sekolah, dan kuajak makan malam di salah satu rumah makan. Yang pertama dulu Angie juga komplain ketika beberapa orang di rumah makan itu memelototinya dan memandang ke badge sekolahnya.
Untuk menenangkannya, aku bilang, “Honey, I am your mother. Angie pergi jam segini sama Mama. Dan kita langsung mampir ke rumah makan dari LIA karena praktis saja, dibandingkan kita harus pulang ke rumah dulu, ganti baju, terus keluar lagi untuk makan. And I know exactly what you have been doing since morning. And you know what you are doing. Don’t care what other people think about us. Bisa mati berdiri kita kalau selalu mikirin omongan orang, what the hell they are thinking about us.”
“But Mom, don’t blame me if that judgmental look from those nosy guys bothers me.”
“Fine. But don’t think of it too much, okay? Remember, we are what we think, we are what we do, and not what other people think, not what other people accuse.”
Telepon yang berdering di ruang tengah menghentikan pembicaraan kita. Angie langsung menghambur keluar, dan asik ngobrol dengan temannya lewat telepon.
This sucking society, with those sucking judgmental people... And they are my fellow citizens in Indonesia.😜
PT56 07.49 140906
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Angie libur 2 hari
Hari ini Angie libur sekolah, besok juga. Sekolahnya dipakai untuk Olimpiade Sains. Selain SMA N 3 Semarang, juga SMA N 1 Semarang.
Mumpung Angie libur, kuajak saja dia jalan-jalan. Acara(ku) hari ini:
Pagi jam 7 ke kantor sebentar, to punch the attendance card. (well ... well ... kayak pegawai pabrik aja ... hahahaha ...) Mampir ke kantorku yang terletak di lantai 10, untuk ngecek email dan blogs. But, ups ... the internet was not accessible. :(
Dari kantor ke Paradise Club, ikut erobik sekitar 50 menit. (I came late.)
Dari PC, pulang ke rumah, mandi, sarapan, dan siap-siap jalan sama Angie.
Dari rumah aku dan Angie ke salon dekat rumah, creambath. Udah kurang lebih sebulan, i didn't have my hair creambathed.
Dari salon, aku dan Angie ke Citraland Mall. Pertama, kita ke lantai dua, ke SWAGAYA photo studio. Narcist-nya lagi kumat. LOL. Pertama aku pilih yang foto untuk berdua (horizontal) 4 kali, Rp. 30.000,00. Aku dan Angie foto bareng dua kali. Trus, aku foto sendiri, dan Angie foto sendiri. Posisi, duduk, ga bisa berdiri. But, then aku inget, Abangku pengen liat fotoku yang kelihatan perutnya. wakakaka ... Jangan ngeres yah pikirannya. wakakaka ... Dia heran waktu aku cerita hari Sabtu yang lalu, I had lunch at 12.30. Trus, di kantor ada klepon di atas meja pukul 13.30, tak embat. LOL. Jam 16.00 ada sebiji kroket di atas meja, aku embat juga. LOL. (FYI, di kantorku, kalo ada makanan terletak di atas meja, itu berarti makanan tak bertuan, alias milik bersama. LOL.) Denger ceritaku dia tanya, "Kok kamu ga gemuk Na?"
"Kan aku olah raga Bang." jawabku. (I do aerobics, fitness, and also swim almost everyday if I have spare time every morning.)
"Aku mau lihat fotomu yang keliatan perutnya dong Na, ga cuma wajah doang." LOL.
"Ah gampang sih Bang, ngecilin perut waktu difoto," aku bilang. LOL.
Nah, itulah awal dari cerita aku ngajakin Angie ke SWAGAYA, meskipun sebenarnya udah lama juga Angie pengen foto. Lagi kumat tuh hobby difotonya.
Balik lagi ke waktu di SWAGAYA photo studio. Setelah foto 4 kali yang horizontal, aku bilang ke Angie pengen yang vertical. Aku datang ke pegawainya lagi, dan minta foto yang vertikal.
Si empunya (kayaknya sih) studio itu, tahu2 nanya, "Adiknya ya mbak?" sambil nunjuk Angie. Dan terkaget-kagetlah dia waktu tahu bahwa Angie adalah anakku. LOL. Dia bilang, "Well ...kalo mbak punya anak, pantasnya anaknya yang baru berumur 5 tahun deh." wakakakaka ... thanks for the compliment. :D
Trus, jadilah aku dan Angie ambil yang vertikal 3 kali. So, kita bisa berdiri waktu difoto. Biar Abangku bisa liat perutku. wakakakaka …
Dari SWAGAYA, aku dan Angie makan siang di McDonald's, Angie udah pengen makan spicy burger sejak hari Minggu yang lalu.
Dari McD, aku masih punya waktu luang sekitar 2 jam, aku ajak Angie onlen di warnet langgananku. Sebentar lagi, i will go offline. Harus masuk kantor. Angie akan menungguiku. She will have her own class at 5-7pm later.
After that, we will go home. :)
Besok kemana lagi yah aku dan Angie? si kembar yang nyokap anak yang jaraknya 23 tahun? huehehehe ...
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Satu saat dulu

Dari kantor aku langsung mampir ke warnet ini. Biasa, to check my mailboxes and blogs. Sebelum meninggalkan kantor, seorang rekan kerja bercerita tentang seorang anak dari English for Elementary class (untuk anak-anak SD) yang belum dijemput juga oleh orang tuanya. Kelasnya usai jam 5 sore, sedangkan waktu itu jam 7. Aduh ...
Aku langsung ingat suatu hari dulu ketika Angie masih SD. Aku lupa tepatnya jam berapa. Waktu itu, aku selalu menjemputnya dari sekolah sekitar jam 13.00. Siang itu ada yang sedang kukerjakan yang membuatku tidak bisa menjemput Angie tepat waktu. Aku terlambat menjemputnya hampir satu jam! Dalam perjalanan, aku menangis, merasa begitu bersalah karena telah membiarkannya menungguku dalam waktu yang sangat lama. (NOTE: belum kenal dunia handphone waktu itu, masih terlalu mahal untuk kantongku. :))
Airmataku terus mengalir sampai aku berada di depan sekolah Angie. Sesampai di sana, kudapati Angie sedang duduk di tembok di dekat pintu gerbang sendirian, tersenyum sangat manis padaku, dan menyapa, "Hello Mama ..." Tidak ada kata-kata marah atau apa, atau pun sekedar bertanya, "Kenapa sih Mama jemputnya terlambat?" Dan aku semakin menangis, karena merasa semakin bersalah.
Sampai sekarang, Angie sudah duduk di bangku kelas 1 SMA, dan dia tetaplah semanis yang dulu, yang tidak pernah marah kepadaku. Mungkin juga karena aku pun tidak pernah marah sekalipun padanya.
Children learn from their parents how to behave, right?
JDC 19.50 050906
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Angie at Kindergarten
Angie and Vonny

Ini adalah foto Angie ketika dia ikut lomba tahun 2001. Aku sendiri sudah lupa tajuk lombanya, hehehe ... Sebagai juara umum, piala dan hadiah diserahkan oleh Vonny, salah satu personil dari grup musik Bening. Sekarang aku sendiri tidak tahu apakah Vonny masih ikut dalam grup musik Bening ataukah tidak; apakah kegiatan dia akhir-akhir ini. Tapi, waktu itu, Angie bangga sekali berfoto bersama Vonny sebagai juara umum lomba itu. LOL.
Saturday, 26 Agustus 2006
1. Aku sendiri ga punya ide untuk nulis apa tentang Angie. LOL. Mungkin karena aku terlalu sibuk sehingga aku tak sempat memperhatikan apa-apa yang dia lakukan, ataupun ceritakan. Well, tentu saja kita tetap sering cerita-cerita, Angie tetap sering curhat ke aku. Tapi berhubung aku sendiri sibuk, maka tak ada waktulah bagiku untuk coret-coret sesuatu tentang Angie.
2. Blogger.com sulit kuakses akhir-akhir ini ketika aku ke warnet. :(
2. Blogger.com juga sulit kuakses dari komputer di kantor. :(
Hari ini aku pengen nulis sesuatu di sini, but apa ya yang akan kutulis tentang Angie? Kayaknya nggak ada deh. LOL. Kegiatan sekolahnya biasa-biasa aja. Tiap pagi aku ngantar dia ke sekolah. Pulang sekolah dia biasa naik angkot dengan teman-temannya. Kecuali hari Senin dan Rabu ketika dia langsung kursus Bahasa Inggris di LIA, tempatku kerja (so, dia gratis!!! LOL.), kita pulang besama. :)
Satu hal. Hari ini dia mulai ulangan harian sekolah, or whatever it is called. LOL. Dia sempat komplain tadi malam, "Ulangan kok tetap ada pelajaran biasa. Payah deh." LOL.
Selama dia sekolah, ulangan, ataupun ujian, aku tidak pernah memantau belajarnya. Aku anggap dia telah cukup dewasa untuk menentukan pada dirinya sendiri apakah dia perlu belajar ekstra atau cukup mengerjakan pe-er dari sekolah. Berapa nilai yang ingin dia dapatkan dari ulangannya. Kalau ingin bagus, it means she has to study hard. Kalo cukup dengan nilai yang biasa-biasa aja, ya go ahead. Aku berikan kebebasan penuh padanya. I know one thing, though, she is smart, but not really a hard worker. LOL. Niru sapa yah? hahahahaha ... Cuma ngeliat dari ketidakseriusannya belajar, dia jelas tidak ngikut aku dulu. hahahahaha ... Aku dulu (sewaktu SMA) lebih rajin dibanding dia. Hahahaha ...
Well, kita lihat aja nanti hasil ulangan hariannya. LOL.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Angie's experience dealing with boys :)
In junior high school, she started to have a crush on a boy "seriously". Seriously? LOL. She had courage to "shoot" this boy too. LOL. Wow ... And the boy accepted it. Since then on, oftentimes they communicated via mobile phone (short messages) on Saturday evening. Angie seemed so happy at that time. :)
Not long after that, they broke up, without clear reason. Well, I didn't really know. And it is a very common thing to do, so I let it go like that. But from Angie's expression when she told me about RM, that boy, I knew that Angie still liked him.
Some time later (I was still in Yogya at that time), out of the blue, Angie told me, "Mama ... Angie jadian sama RZ..." Nah lo ... with another boy? LOL.
Different from RM, the shy boy, RZ is very confident. He kept messaging Angie almost everyday, (not only on Saturday evening) although they met at school everyday. I knew it made Angie bored easily. LOL. And I know in the deep of her heart, Angie still liked RM.
AFter graduating from junior high, Angie wanted to continue her study in the same school with RM.
Unexpectedly, they even were in the same class!
Unexpectedly (again, LOL) RM became so ignorant to Angie. My analysis was that he was a shy boy and he didn't feel comfortable if all the classmates know about their 'record' that they used to be close. However, to Angie, she feels that RM dislikes her very much. Of course it made Angie very unhappy. Moreover, suddenly RM becomes one favorite boy at school, compared to when they were in junior high school no other girl had a crush on him!!! LOL.
Last night, I told Angie, "In our life, sometimes we need to experience to face disappointment, to undergo heartache or broken-heart. It will even make us more mature in facing this life. Time will answer our recent question, honey. After time goes by, we will know whether RM really has a crush on another girl or in fact he still has that special feeling to you; whether you will be always trapped to your special feeling to him or you will find another more adorable boy. Just be patient with this disappointment now."
Angie was speechless. But I hope that she will always believe in whatever I say to her; just like when she was a little. "Whatever Mom says is right." LOL.
Saturday, August 12, 2006
My lovely Angie
Today is my birthday.
Early in the morning, before going to school, while she was preparing herself to go to school, and I was preparing to take her to school, suddenly she came to me, shook my hand, and said, "Happy birthday, Mama... Hope you will have a long life, more blessings from God, and others, up to you." LOL. Then she kissed both of my cheeks.
FYI, today she went to school early, at 6am. There was one additional class she had to attend. And you know what? English class. LOL. Unbelievable, is it? LOL. She had to take an additional English class because she got a bad score in the test the last time. LOL.
I haven't decided yet what to do tonight, to celebrate my birthday with my lovely star.
Friday, August 11, 2006
After Angie going camping
Last Sunday, August 6, 2006, I was restless waiting for Angie to contact me to pick her up. She told me that she would come back in the morning. I was all ready to pick her up, anytime. I didn't go swimming though I love it a lot, and I usually do this hobby every Sunday coz I was waiting for her coming.
At last around 11.35, she sent me a message asking me to pick her up at school.
When she arrived, she looked so tired, dirty, messy, and I greeted her, "Goodness, my daughter looks ugly, huh?" LOL.
Arriving home, she asked me to prepare her lunch and a glass of iced tea. She was spoilt, eh? LOL.
At first, she didn't talk a lot about her experience during camping. it seems to me that her experience at Bantir was not really exciting for her.
Anyway, I love to see her coming back safe and sound. LOL.
Then, I found out that she was a bit jealous coz out of the blue, many girls have a crush on RM, the boy she likes very much. LOL.
She complained to me, "When we were at junior high school, he was just an ordinary boy, not famous at all, not the favorite of many girls. I was the only who had 'sharp eyes' to see him cute besides smart. And now suddenly, many girls like him!!!" LOL.
Angie seemed broken-hearted at that time.
Oh ... teenagers ...
She will have a very long life, she will find many boys in her life later. Perhaps she will fall in love with many other boys in the future (not just one or two. LOL.) It is okay to me. LOL.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Acceleration Program
Some days ago Angie told me about her friend’s problem. Her parents forced her to take acceleration program but she herself was not willing to do that.
If I am not mistaken since four years ago, Indonesia has applied acceleration programs at school. Elementary school level that usually covers six years of study will only need four years for those who take acceleration program. Junior high school level will only need two years that normally takes three years. Senior high school level also applies the same thing.
Not all schools offer acceleration programs for the students. It is understandable if only good schools get the permission from the government to have this program.
A child normally needs 12 years to cover elementary, junior, and senior high school. If he/she starts going to elementary school when he/she 6 years old (recently there is a requirement that a child is at least 6 years old to start going to elementary school), he/she will be 18 years old when graduating from senior high school and then continue to a higher education—college/university.
I don’t really know the significance of the government to have acceleration program. To cut the time needed to study only? A child will only need 8 years to finish from elementary school until senior high school. He/she will be around 14 years old to continue to college. If he/she needs four years to finish the bachelor’s degree, he/she will be 18 years old. What is the next step? Normally, he/she will look for a job. To continue to a higher degree, such as master’s degree until doctorate’s degree is not widely spread yet in Indonesia. Many people feel it enough already to have a bachelor’s degree. Compared to around three decades ago, graduating from senior high school only was enough to look for a job.
To join acceleration program, there are a series of tests that must be followed by a student: besides tests on some major subjects (Physics, Biology, Mathematics, English, etc), a student must reach a certain IQ, take an aptitude test, psycho test, and some other things. The school fee is also much more expensive compared to the students who take the usual program.
And as usual, when a parent forces his/her child to join such a program, I am of opinion that it is only for the parent’s prestige (that he/she has a very smart, also that he/she can afford to pay the high school fee). It is different if the child himself/herself wants to take it. As a parent, of course, we must support that.
Coming back to Angie’s friend’s problem—her parents forced her to join the acceleration program, I told Angie this whole history (what is the significance of joining such a program? What benefits for the student to get?) Okay when she finishes senior high school at a younger age compared to the others, the parents feel proud of that. but then what? From my experience so far, people will not pay attention to someone’s age when graduating from a college then looking for a job. Many other people look for a job only after graduating from senior high school. And from my observation so far, it is not a guarantee that someone graduating from college will always get a better job/position compared to those who just graduate from senior high school.
PT56 10.53 080806
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Angie going camping 3
I slept well last night. It means that I was not really worried about Angie who is still going camping. I know tents are not really comfortable places to lie down. But her being with her school friends will make Angie not really complain about it.
However, before sleeping, I miscalled her. When she picked it up, I hang it up. :) Then, I messaged her whether she was still awake and what she was doing with her friends, whether she really ate the rice and its friends for the dinner. LOL. She didn't reply the message though. I assumed that she was already sleeping then.
This morning, around 06.00 I messaged her asking how her sleep was, how cold the weather was there coz Bantir is popular for its cool weather. She just told me that she had to sleep in one tent together with some friends so that she didn't get really enough space. One positive thing though, she didn't feel cold then. :) She also told me some programs she would do with her friends.
Around 11.00 I messaged her again. Instead of getting her nice response, she said, "Mama, I am okay here, and have some fun with my friends. Don't worry about me. I will tell you the whole experience after I go home. Don't waste our credit now."
LOL. What an economical daughter. LOL.
JDC 17.14 050806
Friday, August 04, 2006
Angie going camping 2
Friday, August 4, 2006
I took Angie to her school around 13.30 this afternoon. Before leaving, she asked me, "Mom ... will you stay until all of us leave?"
Honestly, I was surprised to hear that. I thought that she would just ask me to drop her by, then I would go to my workplace.
Then, she went on, "The last time when I went on vacation with my junior high school friends, and you were in Yogya, dad just dropped me be at school, and directly left me. So, when we were leaving, the other students beckoned to anybody there, their parents, family members, or whoever. Me? I had nobody to beckon."
Ups ... I felt so touched, so I said yes to her want.
Angie and I arrived in her school around 13.30. It was very crowded. The school yard was full of the buses that would take the students to Bantir, the campsite. There were also very many parents, family members, friends of the students who were about to go camping. Not long after that, Angie disappeared in the middle of the crowd.
When time showed 13.45, I didn't feel comfortable coz I had a class at 14.00. So, I was looking for her in the crowd. I found her. Then I told her sadly that I had to leave, no time to say goodbye and beckon to her while they depart. Guess what Angie said? "Go ... Mom ... go!!! I am fine here."
Ups ... LOL.
Before leaving her, I kissed her both cheeks and forehead and said, "Take good care of yourself, honey!"
Then I left for my workplace.
Arriving at the office, I told a workmate there. He laughed very loudly hearing me say so. LOL.
Oh kids ... LOL.
Angie going camping
Thursday August 3, 2006
I finished teaching at 7pm today. I promised Angie to buy her some things she needs for camping. On August 4-6 2006 she is going camping to Bantir, a camping location oftentimes visited by high school students. It is located not quite far from Semarang. It takes about one hour by bus.
When I was in junior and senior high school, my parents never let me go camping. I was very unhappy of course but I couldn’t do anything. I know their forbidding me to go camping coz they loved me and were worried if something wrong happened to me. But still I was very unhappy, disappointed, and upset. So??? Until now I never have any experience to go camping.
This bitter experience makes me think differently from my parents. I always let Angie go camping with her school friends. I know I can trust Angie to take care of herself well. Besides having fun to do that with her friends, Angie can also learn to be independent.
Yesterday, Angie just got period; one thing that really upset her. Going camping when getting period is really unfavorable. A workmate of mine said to me, “Don’t you think you had better not let her go? I heard some bad things happen to those going camping in that place; mostly some people get in a trance by spirits entering their bodies.” And I got confused whether to let Angie go camping this time or not. When I talked about this possibility—Angie not going camping—to her, she looked very disappointed. My reason to her was that it would be very uncomfortable for her to go camping when she gets period. Teenagers like her oftentimes get stomachache, besides, of course Angie cannot easily wash her panties when she has to change them, etc.
But then, I came to the conclusion that she can go camping. She is bigger than some years ago when I let her go camping. Nothing to worry about, is it? And when Angie goes home, and talks about her exciting experience during the camping, I will be very happy to listen to her. Besides, I can enjoy my being alone, being an individual Nana, not a mother, for some days. LOL. People always need some time to be alone, don’t they?
PT56 21.37 030806
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
The 2nd week of Angie at SMA N 3 Semarang
Last week, the first week, Angie was at 10-C class. There was one student coming from the same junior high school with her, SMPN 1. However, Angie told me that she didn't feel at ease at all in that class. She said that it was difficult for her to socialize with the other students. I told her that she needed some time to adapt herself with the new situation, with new classmates, also with the new environment.
The first three days was for MOS--Masa Orientasi Sekolah--or the time for school orientation, or the time to get to know the new school. Every day Angie went home telling me some extra curricular activities offered by the senior students. On the first day, she was interested in joining the school magazine--Cemeti. I encouraged her coz it means she can practice her writing. The second day, she came up with different interest; joining the modern dance club and martial arts club. The third day, she told me her interest in some other activities again. I let her make a choice.
The three days after MOS, there were some tests given to the students, to find out the capabilities of the students. The test comprised IPA (physics and biology), IPS (economics, history, and geography), Bahasa Indonesia, English, and Mathematics. The result of the tests was used to classify the students. One class will consist of students considered as "bright", "moderate" and "low" students.
On the fourth day, I went there to attend the first meeting between the parents and the school's committee to talk about the monthly school fee and also some money needed by the school. I didn't bargain a lot, I just chose the minimal amount, 1.6 million rupiahs; while for the montly school fee, all students have to pay the same, Rp.150.000,00 per month.
The year 2005/2006 batch is the pilot project for SNBI (Sekolah Nasional Berstandar Internasional), or National school with International standard. The facilities provided will be comparable with schools from other countries that have International Standard; and five subjects will be given in English. No wonder if the montly fee is quite expensive for state schools in Semarang.
The second week, the students have been classified according to the result of the test. Happily Angie told me that she was in the same class with one good friend of hers that happens to have the same nickname with me--NANA. Moreover, the boy she has a crush on is in the same class. WOW. LOL.
Well, I have told Angie that she will always have to adapt with new situation, new friends, new environment. However, I am happy for her too now that she is in the same class with NANA. FYI, both of them have been close since they were in the fourth grade of elementary school; more than 6 years then. :)
Btw, during the meeting with the school, one member of the committee said that students there will oftentimes have to stay at school until afternoon, around 3-4pm. It means that they will need to have lunch at school. Hmm ... remembering some months ago, especially by the end of March and May, Angie suffered from typhus coz she got very exhausted and didnt have meals regularly, and perhaps also eat not really hygienic food, I warn Angie to take care of her health more carefully: choose the hygienic and nutritious food at school and have enough rest. However, of course she also has to study hard.
Angie still has a very long future. And I will always be by her side. :)
Saturday, July 22, 2006
My "morning ritual" with Angie
Once, coz Angie was in a hurry, she just kissed my hand, didn’t give me a chance to kiss her or she kissed me, and directly she ran away to enter the gate. I felt something robbed from my heart. And the whole day that day, I always thought of that moment, Angie and I didn’t kiss each other before she ‘left’ me to school. I felt uncomfortable.
The following day, Angie said, “Mom, you don’t need to kiss me yah?” Instantly I knew that she felt shy to her school mates that probably would consider her just as a spoilt baby. And I pleaded to her, “Oh you know honey, I cannot work all day without kissing you or your kissing me before you enter your school.” And Angie submitted herself. LOL. So, we still went on with our ‘ritual’. LOL.
Yesterday and the day before, Angie showed the similar sign, not let me kiss her cheeks, forehead, and then nose, moreover to kiss me back.
Oh well, she is bigger now coz she is already in senior high school. Perhaps she is shier if we still do our ritual in front of her school building. And this morning, before we left the house, she kissed my hand, and said, “Mom, let’s do ‘it’ now so that we no longer need to do that in front of the school building.” I laughed loudly but I didn’t object. And when she got down of the motorcycle in front of the gate of the school, she just looked at me and smiled nicely, and said, “Bye Mom!” LOL. And I kept looking at her walking entering the gate to the schoolyard, and I left after she disappeared among many other students.
Perhaps coz I claim myself as a romantic person so that I think that I have to (and need to) show openly my love for the ones I love and care much; moreover to my only kid.
I remember some months ago, one student of mine told me that her parents taught her not to show love to the children openly coz it will make the children spoilt. The children will not grow up as independent persons.
I know Angie sometimes becomes very spoilt when I am at home; really wants me to show my attention to her all the time. But she can be an independent teenager too when I am away.
What is wrong to show our love openly to our own children?
PT56 12.29 220706
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Angie at her new school
Based on the experience the previous years, the municipal government of Semarang this year applied a policy where each state school gave more chances for candidate students living in the nearest districts than those living far distance. The comparison was 60% for candidates living in the same districts with the school; 30% from different districts but the same town, Semarang; and 10% from out of town. It is expected that smart students wouldn’t gather in some state favorite schools and leave the other schools for less smart ones. This was exactly what has always happened before.
From the result, this new policy seemed successful. No state school lacked new students. Last year, some state schools located in the suburb didn’t get enough candidates. And from the local newspaper on Sunday July 16, 2006, the municipal government announced that next year the quota for each state school will be increased 10% to respond the society’s need. Studying in state schools is considered as something more prestigious here rather than in private schools due to the cheaper school fees; except some favorite Catholic private schools that always get quite a lot of interest from society. They have their own segment.
A new policy always attracts people’s debate. Some are pro and some are con.
Some parents of Angie’s friends living in different district from SMA N 3 complained to me, and said something showing their jealousy, “Angie is lucky to be accepted there coz she lives in the same district.” It sounded to me like, “Angie is not that smart actually. She was JUST lucky.” I didn’t give a damn on such comments anyway. As a teacher having experience to face many kinds students with their capability and skills, I know that Angie is a smart kid. And as the mother, of course I encourage her that she is smart, she deserved to be accepted in that most favorite state school in Semarang.
For the 10% more quota for state schools next year, some private schools that don’t get enough interest from society see it as a threat that they will lose some potential candidate students. It means they will get less income. Less income means less welfare for the schools and also for the teachers working there. Less welfare for the teachers will probably influence the teachers’ spirit to give the best to their students. Well, the fact that the salary for teachers in Indonesia is still less than the neighboring countries is indeed undeniable. As a result many teachers have to do side jobs to make their ends meet; one thing that makes them not able to do their best in fostering the education for the future generation.
PT56 20.17 160706
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Angie got accepted at SMA N 3 Semarang
Well, the announcement of the admittance of the new students of state high schools in Semarang was done yesterday, July 12, 2006. However, I couldn't directly write in this special blog for that lovely star of mine due to the bad access in the cyber cafe I usually visit. :(
I was here yesterday from around 10.30-12.30. I had tried to open this blogsite, however, it couldn't be opened well, till Angie asked me to go offline.
I checked the announcement here coz I didn't want to be in a crowded place only to see whether Angie got accepted or not while I could access it in another more comfortable place, like this cyber cafe (with its air-conditioned room). I remember that was what happened in 1983 when I was looking for the announcement of my being accepted at SMA N 3.
Of course, I am very happy after feeling sure that Angie finally followed my path, to continue her study in my ex senior high school.
So, now I come back to SMA N 3 building not only as an ex-student, but as a parent of my daughter studying there. Perhaps to some people it is ridiculous, but for me, it is something that makes me very proud.
Hmm ... it made me think that in 1983 my parents were also very proud of me!!! LOL.
Wish all the best luck for my lovely star, Dzikrina Anggie Pitaloka. :)
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Selasa, 11 Juli 2006
Tadi pagi di koran SM, ada berita yang bertajuk, "Pendaftar Peserta Didik SMA N 3 dari dalam rayon, semua diterima" karena tidak memenuhi kuota, sehingga tidak perlu diadakan seleksi NEM.
Well, memang berdasarkan jurnal terakhir hari Jumat-Sabtu minggu lalu, pendaftar dari dalam rayon hanya 38,--% dari kuota yang 60%. Itu juga penyebab utama hari Kamis aku memutuskan Angie mendaftar ke SMAN 3 (waktu itu, pendaftar baru mencapai 35,--%).
Sebenarnya waktu pengumuman penerimaan peserta didik baru hari Rabu, 12 Juli 2006 mulai pukul 00.00. Tapi dengan berita tadi pagi, aku sudah lega bahwa Angie diterima di SMA N 3. Meskipun sebenarnya tentu saja aku telah bisa membacanya ketika mendaftarkan Angie.
Aku masih menunggu pengumuman resminya. :)
Friday, July 07, 2006
Jumat, 7 Juli 2006
Tadi aku meninggalkan rumah sekitar jam 11.30. Angie berada di SMP N 1. Hari ini adalah hari pembagian STTB dan raport. Ketika aku berangkat ke fitness center sekitar jam 07.30, Angie barusan mendapatkan telpon dari temannya yang membuat dia tergopoh-gopoh ke kamar mandi, MANDI. LOL. Entahlah dia berangkat jam berapa.
Aku pulang dari fitness center sekitar jam 09.15, dan Angie sudah tidak ada di rumah tentu saja.
Tadi siang aku sempet ngecek jurnal di website ppdsmg bla bla bla ... namun belum ada update terbaru, masih sama seperti yang kudownload tadi malam, hasil jurnal tanggal 6 Juli 2006 pukul 10.00.
Well, sekarang sebaiknya aku mempersiapkan diri untuk mengajar.
Btw, I am STARVING! I got lunch at 11.00. Semenjak sampe kantor, males banget kuluar nyari makan, bahkan ke kantin sekalipun.
Asik nongkrongin komputer dengan internetnya yang kebetulan sore ini lumayan TIDAK LELET. LOL.
I am having a cup of nescafe right now. Lumayan ngisi perut. LOL.
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Kamis, 6 Juli 2006
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foto dijepret tahun 2007 |
Hari ini adalah hari terakhir pendaftaran ke SMA Negeri.
Sekitar jam 9, aku dan Angie meninggalkan rumah menuju ke SMA N 5 setelah mengambil hasil afdruk pas foto Angie dan juga fotocopy surat KK.
Keputusan yang kuambil tadi malam, dan Angie juga setuju, pilihan pertama SMAN 3, sedangkan pilihan ke dua SMAN 5. Tapi, berhubung hari Senin yang lalu aku beli formulir pendaftaran di SMA N 5, aku dan Angie berangkat mendaftar ke SMAN 5, meskipun SMAN 5 menjadi pilihan kedua.
Dari SMAN 5, kita berdua jalan-jalan ke Java Mall, Angie males pulang ke rumah, sedang pengen ngeluyur, LOL, so, aku dengan baik hati menemaninya. LOL.
Pertama kali yang kita lakukan adalah having brunch at McDonald's there. Aku pesan seporsi PANAS untukku sendiri, sedangkan Angie pesan spaghetti dan french fries. We were talking a lot while having our meal. This is one thing I always enjoy when going windowshopping with my lovely star. Kita makan sambil ngobrol, dan hari ini kebanyakan Angie bercerita tentang teman-temannya.
Dari McD, kita naik ke lantai 3, ke TB Gramedia, lihat-lihat buku. Gara-gara lihat buku inilah, aku jadi naksir sebuah buku yang berjudul KAJIAN BUDAYA FEMINIS: TUBUH, SASTRA, dan BUDAYA POP tulisan Aquarini Priyatna Prabasmoro.
Dari GM, kita berdua mampir ke TB TOGA MAS, toko buku yang selalu memberi diskon. Dan, akhirnya aku membeli buku Aquarini di sini, lumayan kan ngirit berapa ribu rupiah. LOL. Harga semula Rp. 84.000,00, diskon 15% menjadi Rp. 71.400,00 A good buy, huh? LOL.
Dari Toga Mas, aku mengantar Angie pulang, baru aku ke kantor.
Dan sekarang, sekitar pukul 20.06, aku barusan ngecek JURNAL hasil pendaftar calon siswa di SMAN 3 dan SMAN 5. Well, menurut hasil jurnal, posisi Angie aman di SMAN3 karena dia berasal dari dalam rayon.
Really wish her the best luck for her study!!!
Rabu, 5 Juli 2006
Kemarin, Selasa 4 Juli 2006, pulang dari kantor aku mampir ke SMAN 5 dan SMA N 3, untuk melihat JURNAL yang menunjukkan berapa calon siswa yang telah mendaftar, dengan NEM berapa, dan berapa yang berasal dari dalam rayon dan juga luar rayon.
Dan ternyata belum banyak siswa yang berasal dari dalam rayon yang telah mendaftar ke dua sekolah tersebut, yang berarti aku masih bisa mengharapkan Angie bisa mendaftar ke mantan sekolahku tercinta itu, SMA N 3. Harapanku muncul lagi, padahal dalam postingan kemarin, i sounded pessimistic, didn't I? LOL.
Ah, entahlah.
Hari ini Angie belum mendaftar juga karena SKHUN nya belum jadi (gara-gara nama ortu yang salah tulis, sehingga Angie harus minta ganti).
Berdasarkan JURNAL hari ini (yang baru bisa kuketahui nanti sore/malam), Angie dan aku baru memutuskan akan mendaftar ke mana Angie nanti, apakah pilihan 1 ke SMA N 3 dan pilihan 2 SMA N 5, atau pilihan 1 SMA N 5 dan pilihan 2 SMA N 1.
Just wait and see.
Angie sendiri nampaknya enjoy the hubbub of this hunting for school. LOL.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Rabu malam, 5 Juli, 2006
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foto dijepret tahun 2007, Angie sudah jadi siswa SMA N 3 😍 |
Barusan kelar ngajar jam 7pm tadi, aku langsung cabut ke SMA N 3 dan SMA N 5 untuk menjajal keberuntungan untuk ngeliat jurnal. Sebelum jam 6, aku sms Angie to watch TVKU untuk ngeliat jurnal. Ternyata Angie didn't find such a program on TV. She told me via sms. Itu sebabnya aku langsung cabut ke SMA N 3 dan SMA N 5 untuk ngeliat jurnal.
Sebelumnya aku berpikir mungkin situasi sekolah gelap, sepi, so aku ga bakal bisa ngeliat jurnal, and ternyata SALAH BESAR. LOL. Di SMA N 3 kutemui banyak bapak-bapak/ibu-ibu yang lagi nongkrongin papan pengumuman sambil bercakap-cakap kira-kira apakah anaknya masih punya kesempatan untuk diterima. Ketika aku langsung nimbrung dengan menjawab, "312" (pertanyaan salah seorang dari orang-orang itu adalah, "Berapakah 60% dari 520?"), mereka langsung memandangku, dan menyapaku dengan panggilan "mbak..."
Jadi inget waktu mengambil hasil kelulusan Angie di SMP N 1. Wali kelasnya mengenaliku sebagai salah satu muridnya, "Lah, dulu siswa SMP N 1 yah?" Setelah aku mengiyakan dan merasa senang ternyata wajahku masih dikenali oleh mantan guru yang sudah berlalu 23 tahun, beliau, bu Endang tanya lagi, "Kamu kakaknya atau ibunya Dzikrina nih?" Bu Endang hampir tidak percaya kalo aku adalah nyokapnya Angie, dan bukan kakaknya. LOL. Wajahku masih keliatan terlalu muda untuk memiliki anak seusia 15 tahun? LOL. Aku yang berwajah awet muda, ato aku yang terlalu muda waktu melahirkan Angie? LOL. I was 23 years old at that time!!! Not too young to have a baby, do you agree? LOL.
Balik ke cerita 'perburuanku' akan hasil jurnal.
Ah well, Lelaki Terindahku itu apal banget kalo aku lagi nulis email, ato apa aja, selalu ada distraction. LOL.
Dari SMA N 3 aku menuju ke SMA N 5 yang berjarak kurang dari 50m. Ternyata di sini pun ada banyak orang. Bahkan ada orang yang jualan hasil jurnal hampir seluruh sekolah negeri di Semarang dengan harga 3000 perak. Aku langsung beli untuk kutunjukkan ke Angie.
Dari SMA N 5, aku balik ke kantorku yang satunya untuk ngecek email dan blog. Dan juga nulis 'laporan' singkat ini tentunya.
Well, berdasarkan pantauan jurnal yang kulakukan hari ini, kesempatan Angie untuk diterima di SMA N 3 cukup tinggi, karena dia berasal dari dalam rayon!!!
Thank goodness.
Besok adalah hari terakhir pendaftaran. Aku akan mengajak Angie ke SMA N 3 untuk mendaftar jam 8 pagi!!!
Kesimpulanku waktu nulis ini, pilihan pertama jatuh ke SMA N 3 dan pilihan kedua SMA N 5. Entah nanti setelah pulang dan diskusi dengan Angie. Will she agree with me?
Tapi yang pasti tadi waktu ninggalin SMA N 3, I said, "SMA N 3, wait for my beloved daughter's arrival as a student here!!!"
Wish my lovely star the best luck, will ya?
Selasa, 4 Juli 2006
Tadi aku rencana ngajak Angie bareng, liat hasil jurnal pendaftaran peserta didik di SMA N 3 dan SMA N 5, terus, aku mengantarnya ke SMP N 1. Tapi, ternyata dia sudah janjian dengan salah seorang temannya.
Aku masih belum yakin akan mendaftar ke mana Angie nanti. :( Segalanya masih simpang siur.
Tapi yang penting, kayaknya, aku harus menerima kenyataan kalo ternyata Angie tidak bisa melanjutkan ke mantan sekolahku 20 tahun yang lalu, SMA N 3 Semarang. :( Toh, SMA N 5 juga bagus, atau SMA N 1, meskipun anak-anak yang sekolah di sana borju. Mana mampulah aku membuat Angie setara dengan anak-anak yang berasal dari ortu yang borju juga? :(
Kita memang tidak bisa menghalangi dengan siapa anak kita akan bersosialisasi.
Angie selalu adalah seorang anak manis bagiku, yang selalu mau mengerti keadaan ortunya, karena aku pun selalu berusaha menjadi Mama yang manis buatnya, yang selalu mau mengerti apa pun yang dia inginkan dan lakukan, dengan menggunakan pendekatan KOMUNIKASI YANG TERBUKA antara kita berdua.
Banyak orang bilang bahwa masa belasan tahun adalah masa yang crucial, di mana banyak anak remaja yang rela melakukan apa saja demi diterima dalam satu komunitas yang diinginkannya.
Of course, I always hope that I WILL NOT LOSE the nice, and understanding Angie that I have known so far.
Kok jadi nulis ke arah yang sangat jauh melenceng? LOL.
Well, di mana pun nanti Angie akan melanjutkan sekolah, itu adalah untuk menambah ilmu buat Angie yang akan sangat berguna baginya di kemudian hari, termasuk ilmu bersosialisasi dengan komunitas yang macam mana pun.
Monday, July 03, 2006
Angie is looking for a school :)
Sunday July 2, 2006, Angie and I went to SMA N 3 and SMA N 5 Semarang to look for information about the registration for new students.
As I wrote in the previous post, last June 26, 2006 was the announcement of the final examination for Junior High School students in Indonesia. Angie passed with NEM (the original score of the final exam) score 26.20 for three subjects, Mathematics (9), English (9), and Bahasa Indonesia (8.20). With that score, Angie seems not to be able to continue her study to the most favorite state high school in Semarang nowadays, SMA N 3. Frankly speaking, I was a bit disappointed coz I dream to go to that ex senior high school of mine again as the parent of a student, while around twenty years ago I went there as a student. In fact Angie herself was also disappointed. I don’t ask her yet why she was disappointed. However, my guess is it was coz some of her close friends are going to continue to that school, including the guy Angie has a crush on, RM.😃
On Saturday July 1, 2006, Angie went to her ex school, SMP N 1, to do something related to her Junior High School Certificate. She found out that in fact, many of her ex schoolmates didn’t really feel confident to continue to SMA N 3 coz of the test given to student candidates. Starting this year, SMA N 3 will be the pilot project as one International-standardized school in Semarang. The subjects will be given to students in English and that is why the student candidates will have the test. (The other schools don’t apply such a test to student candidates.) The test includes, the aptitude test, the psychology test, and English.
Knowing that many of her ex schoolmates feel not confident to continue their study to SMA N 3, Angie became confident to compete with the other candidates. That’s why on Sunday July 2, 2006, Angie and I went to SMA N 3 and SMA N 5 to look for information.
At SMA N 3, we met some parents looking for information too for their children. One of them asked Angie where she graduated from, and the score of her NEM. Knowing that Angie’s score was only 26.20, that old man seemed to underestimate Angie. In fact, it discouraged her. While Angie was noting down some important information, I was taking a short walk to go around. Though there have been some new buildings here and there, the main building for the teachers’ room and some classrooms are still exactly the same. I no longer found my ex classroom where I used to occupy for two and a half years with my three classmates in Bahasa (Language) major.
From SMA N 3, we visited SMA N 5, to look for the same information. We didn’t find much different information. Then, we went home.
Angie plans to register to those two high schools with the first priority SMA N 5.
FYI, in the mid 1980s, SMA N 3 was also the most favorite in Semarang, and its competitor was SMA N 1. I even didn’t know the existence of SMA N 5 at that time. LOL. However, around this time, SMA N 1 is the third favorite after SMAN 5. Time changes, everything changes. I just expect the best for my only daughter.
The registration will be opened for four days, July 3-6, 2005. The announcement for the accepted students will be done on July 12, 2006.
Wish my lovely star the best luck, will ya?
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Saturday, July 01, 2006
Haruskah Ku Mati
Bagaimana mestinya…
Membuatmu jatuh hati kepadaku
T’lah kutulis kan sejuta puisi
Meyakinkanmu membalas cintaku
Haruskah ku mati karena mu
Terkubur dalam kesedihan sepanjang waktu
Haruskah kurelakan hidupku
Hanya demi cinta yg mungkin bisa membunuh ku
Hentikan denyut nadi jantung ku
Tanpa kau tau betapa suci hatiku
Untuk memiliki mu
Adakah keikhasan
Dalam palung jiwamu mengetukku
Ajarkan mu bahasa perasaan
Hingga hatimu tak lagi membeku
Tiadakah ruang di hatimu untukku
Yang mungkin bisa ‘tuk kusinggahi
Hanya sekedar penyejuk disaat ku layu
Ku t’lah menantimu hingga akhir masa
(Ada Band)
Semenjak Angie menjadi ABG, dan kita share a room together, aku pun tiba-tiba memiliki selera musik yang tidak beda jauh dari para ABG. LOL. Seorang rekan kerja, T, yang kebetulan anaknya juga hampir seusia dengan Angie, pun mengatakan yang sama, dia ketularan dengerin lagu-lagu ABG. LOL. (Apalagi aku yang memiliki room-mate ABG, Angie. LOL.)
Pertama denger lagu Ada Band ini dari rekan kerjaku, T, itu beberapa minggu yang lalu. Kesimpulan? Jelek banget, terutama melodinya. LOL. Gak ada greng-grengnya blas. LOL. Aku heran juga kok aku belum denger Angie nyanyiin lagu ini, ato, well, muter lagu ini keras-keras ketika ada di radio. Biasanya kalo Angie sedang seneng sebuah lagu, wah, kenceng banget dia suara radionya. LOL. Contoh, waktu Agnes Monica keluar dengan lagu, well, aku ga ngerti judulnya. LOL. Yang pasti ada liriknya begini, "Di mana letak sorga itu ..." Aku suka godain dia dengan menjawab, "Sayang, nih sorga Angie berada di telapak kaki Mama." LOL. Dan dia pun bersungu-sungut. LOL.
Beberapa waktu setelah T "promosiin" lagu ini, tiba-tiba Angie mulai ikut nyanyiin lagu ini. Trus, aku bilang ke dia, "Lagu ini loh Sayang, yang dipromosiin pak T beberapa waktu lalu." Angie jawab, "Yah, pertama kali denger Angie ga suka, lama-lama, eh, cool juga nih lagu." LOL. Dan aku mulai berpikir bahwa lagu ini boleh juga. Kesimpulannya adalah, pak T tidak memiliki suara yang bagus sehingga waktu nyanyi ya menghasilkan lagu yang ga bagus juga. LOL. Waktu Angie yang nyanyiin, eh, lumayan juga ga bikin kuping sakit. LOL.
Barusan, aku "menemukan" lirik lagu ini di satu blog yang kukunjungi (jelas milik ABG LOL). Dan, entahlah, setelah tahu liriknya (kok kaciannnnnn banget yah??? hahaha ...), aku jadi pengen nge-post lirik lagu ini di blogku sendiri. Hahahaha ...
Jadi ingat satu kali waktu aku nulis puisi buat my catharsis, dan di akhir baris aku tulis, "Adakah cinta yang tidak egois?"
Egois banget kan lirik lagu ini? Aku bisa aja pake bahasa yang lebih realistis dengan mengatakan, "I love you my sweetheart. I will do everything to make you happy if you are mine. So, what else are you waiting for? Be mine, please? Coz only you can 'move' my heart, only you can strike the chemistry in me, only you can evoke that special feeling in me. ONLY YOU. So, please darling, open your heart, accept my pure love. If not, let me die peacefully."
Sama egoisnya seperti waktu aku nulis puisi yang kumaksud di atas. LOL.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Angie in June 2006
June 26, 2006 was the time for the final exam announcement of the third grade students of Junior High School in Indonesia.
I went to Angie’s school, SMP N 1 around 11am. I didn’t have any target for her. Anyway, I know she is a smart girl, only a bit lazy to study. LOL. Her IQ is good too, 121, mine is 122, not far different. Not a genius really, but more than the average. :)
While waiting for the announcement, suddenly I felt a bit restless. (I didn't feel restless at all during one month after her exam on May 22-24, 2006.)
Well, I must say that my being restless while waiting for the announcement was indeed coz of my egotism as a parent. I feel like there is a competition among my workmates and me. They know me as someone smart. As a result, people give “burden” to Angie that she must be smart too. In Indonesia, being smart is closely related to high scores plus good or favorite school.
Those workmates of mine fortunately (or unfortunately?) are not considered as smart as I am. However, their children are smart. I mean, they get high scores.
In my experience as a student at American Studies, I concluded that having high scores in Indonesia doesn’t guarantee someone as a smart person. Having high scores doesn’t guarantee that someone really has good knowledge.
If Angie doesn’t get high scores and cannot continue to one favorite school in Semarang, perhaps my workmates will look down on me, or on Angie. (Why should I care yah? :( )
However, when writing this post of course I no longer feel restless. Thank goodness Angie got quite high scores, 26,20 (for three subjects, Bahasa Indonesia, Mathematics, and English), so that she can continue to SMA N 5, the second favorite of high school in Semarang these recent years after SMA N 3. Wish her luck, please? :)
Friday, June 23, 2006
June 23. 2006
Last night, I went home from work around 21.15. Angie was playing a game in the computer. She had got her dinner so that I didn't need to prepare her dinner, and accompanied her to eat it. I just needed to wash myself.
While I was typing something in my computer, Angie was watching a sinetron on television. She usually watches one sinetron in one TV station on Thursday 21.00 but I don't know what it is.
Around 22.00 Angie entered our bedroom. She told me a lot about her school friends. I know, she needed a loyal listener, and I am the best one for that. LOL. Well, I don't remember now what she told me about last night, so many friends she told me about. LOL.
Around 23.30, I turned to the monitor, to show 'hint' to Angie that I needed my time to focus on what I was doing. I was writing an email for a good friend of mine. Angie continued reading her teenlit novel--Ready or Not by Meg Cabot. It is not really a new novel of hers. I bought it for her last year. Well, she just needed something to read; and rereading her novel was okay, wasn't it? LOL.
Around 00.15, she called me, "Mama, do you still want to type in your computer?"
"Are you already sleepy? Want to sleep now?" I asked her.
FYI, we usually sleep in the dark.
I hadn't finished typing, I was not sleepy yet either. However, I know that's the way Angie begged me to turn off the lamp and go to bed with her.
So, I turned off the computer and then the lamp and went to bed together with her, my lovely star. :)
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Angie and her friends
Today I talked about Angie and Nana to my workmates. Well, since Angie and Nana take English course where I work, my workmates know them. And I think, well, it is a very common thing for parents to talk about their children to the workmates. :)
Well, actually the story is not mainly about Angie, but about Nana who has been crushed by a boy who happens to be one private student of my workmate, A. A sometimes talks about his private student to me, especially about his 'approach' to Nana.
I know actually Angie doesn't really like if I talk about this to my workmates. LOL. But, in fact, my main point to tell my workmates about this is to let them know how interesting it is to have a teenaged daughter. They will undergo it by themselves some years later. Fortunately, among the teachers in this workplace, Angie is the oldest daughter. The others have sons so their experience is a bit different from mine. :)
Experience to be a mother, to me, is really exciting!!!
Monday, June 19, 2006
These recent days
Monday, June 12, 2006
Mom and daughter
This picture was taken on April 2, 2005. Angie and I were going windowshopping at Citraland Mall Semarang. I always love such an occasion coz we will have much time together, especially during our eating out; while eating we talk about many things, Angie with her experience with her school friends, and me with my experience.
Many people say that both of us look like sisters, and not like mother-daughter. This is one thing I feel glad to get married and have a baby at a quite young age. (I got married at 22, and had Angie at 23) so that the age gap between my kid and me is not that big.
One time, I talked to her, "I am wondering what kind of relationship I will have if my kid is a son..." Angie didn't comment anything, but from her facial expression, I concluded that she didn't really like that idea of mine. LOL. I didn't mean to regret that I have a daughter, and not a son (referring to many people from many different ethnic groups covet to have sons much more than daughters). Well, just out of the blue, I said such a thing. I am not sure if my relationship with a son would be as harmonious as mine with Angie. :) Oh, I know, as usual, I am just a wise guy. LOL.
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